Sola Busca Revisited 3.0
In this deck, I’ve manipulated every image to some degree – some of them I’ve completely reworked, with the hope of making it easier to read for those of us who are used to reading with Rider Waite (RW / RWS) images.
The major arcana should be easily recognizable as variations of the RWS. They’re pretty standard & there are dozens of references out there for RW major arcana.
The major arcana has been completely changed to conform to definitions of RWS.
All the court cards, I left alone for the most part (minor changes) – and most of the definitions for SB work well enough with the RW. I’ve listed everything below for you to reference & hopefully this will make it easier to read with them.
The rest of the minor arcana was a little different.
Many of the pips we recognize in the Rider Waite, but they’re not the same card. For example – the Sun card in the Sola Busca is what we would easily recognize as the Tower in Rider Waite. And the 6 of Coins in the Sola Busca, by imagery and definition – is what we know as the 8 of Coins. And it wasn’t just a few cards – it was a LOT of them. So that’s the main thing I set out to descramble, and then, there were still a few that I actually preferred the Sola Busca to the Rider Waite, so I left them & prefer the new interpretation of the image.
Review by Mindful Tarot of Tarot by Seven's Sola Busca Revisited 3.0 Tarot deck, along with side by side comparisons to TBS's previous edition of this deck and to the original historical version of the Sola Busca as well as her review and a reading below of her second deck with different card back.
Review by world renowned Tarot professional Simon of The Hermit's Cave of the Sola Busca Revisited 3.0 Tarot deck.
Click the images below for larger preview and Card Definitions - several are different than Rider Waite.