Private Tarot Readings
Step into my parlor!

A Tarot reading you will never forget.
Please read a few testimonials from my customers below. My goal is to offer insight and perspective to your specific situation, and provide you with options, goals and direction.
There are different spreads for different situations, and I will talk with you about the options once you tell me what you would like to learn from the cards.
I can do readings over the phone, through email, or in person. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Due to the nature of the industry, my services are referred to as Spiritual Path Counseling services/readings and I am ordained by the Universal Life Church due to some pretty dated laws on the books).
Prices for these Spiritual Path Counseling services utilizing Tarot or Bone Casting range from $20 to $120, which we can discuss further.
The Cards Never Lie.
I use cards of my own creation, including the Deck of the Bastard, the Sola Busca Revisited, and the Samhain DOB. Although I make Lenormand and Lenoracle decks, I am not experienced enough with these particular types of decks to offer Spiritual Path Counseling readings to the public with them at this time.
Readings generally take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the spread.

For private Bone Casting click here:

Clients will not be judged based on any factor wither it be race, sexuality, gender, age, etc. Kids - get your parent's permission! All information will be kept confidential including the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or a court of law. No information will ever be sold to a third party. Questions requiring a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature will not be answered. Seven Stars has the right to refuse to read for any client if she feels the question is unethical or if she feels she not able to answer the question presented, in which case the client will not be charged. No claims are made of any percentage of accuracy regarding readings. Free will of the client is stressed in all matters - once one is given perspective they may proceed in any manner they wish. Also, please read my Terms of Service.


If you're concerned about getting an irreputable reader, or a scam artist, please take some advice.
(1) If the person charges by the minute, chances are they're really going to rack up some minutes.
(2 ) The cards should always offer some help or hope. If you get a "scary reading" & are then offered another reading "at a charge" to resolve the issue - run.
(3) There is no accredited certification board for Tarot readers.
(4) If you are wanting a great reader, go by referrals, or talk extensively with the reader BEFORE they do the reading to see if you're comfortable with them & if you think they sound like someone you can trust & believe. Any reader should be open for that.
(5) There are lots of Tarot reader emails (spam) sent out that will tell you "it's imperative that you contact me RIGHT NOW! I have important information for you!" - please don't fall for it.