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Casting on Animal Hide

hide for bone casting
sample bone for bone casting
cowrie shells for bone casting
sample bone for bone casting
dice for bone casting
two sample bones for bone casting
turkey claw for bone casting
Sample bone for bone casting
Sample bone for bone casting

Items landing on Head: The seeker's current state of mind,


Neck: External factors influencing the individual or situation.


Back:  The heart's desire & often the person's true motivations

& feelings about their situation, which may or may not be different

from their thoughts.


Front Left Leg: What's working against you.


Rear Left Leg:  The past and those factors and influences which

are passing into history.


Front Right Leg:  What is needed to stay on the "right path".

Shows who or what is helping the situation.


Rear Right Leg: Final outcome.


Groin Area:  Sex/sexuality. This area also represents patterns of

thought and behavior (positive or negative)  which will continue.


Tail:  What you can take away or learn from this situation.

What you're left with.





















Don't like real animal hides?  I make a Tiger Set that you can use!  

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